Important Tournament Information
Hello Im Phillip Mckinney the Truman Lake division director as well as the new Pomme De Terre Director. I hope to see alot of new faces this year as well as all the guys who have fished with us in the past. I hope we can bring a fun competitive tornament trail to Pomme.
My Facebook is Phillip Mckinney if we are not friends add me so you can get the latest updates.
Ill try and have a meeting before the first tournament to go over everything and get everyone signed up for the new season,
There will not be a championship on Pomme De Terre it will be held at Truman lake. or you can fish the one at LOZ or Tablerock
there will be a pre tournament signup at the Eagle Stop in Nemo on the 14th of Febuary from 3-6 come out and get your membership and signed up for the tournament if you cant make it i will be at the ramp around 5 am on the 15th.